Who we are

We a politically, religiously and ideologically independent high-ranking team, a pool of old and young faces whose mission is to show the world the plain and unvarnished truth about Israel’s bloody track record as a result of the unending occupation. And not misleading political propaganda or manipulated facts.

Ardent, fervent, passionate and fanatical supporters of pure truth, who want to dedicate themselves, body and soul, to the realization of this noble cause, by putting their life long experience, knowledge, time, energy and love into this noble mission.

We have neither enemies nor we believe on the black and white ideology, the enemy images, the scapegoat, the traditional dualistic system or dichotomous classification such as civilized and uncivilized, Christian and Pagan, Human and Inhuman, good god versus bad devil, we against others, beautiful and ugly. Including all those old opportunistic, crazy and racist conceptions which are playing people off against each other and still dividing the world and humanity in classes (without going into all details). Let alone on the supremacism in cultur, history or so-called ethnicity.

Basically, we are honest do-gooders, bridge builder, catalyst, mediator, pacifier, promotor and reconciliator between the so-called ethnicities, continents, countries, religions, cultures, and all differences. A supra-confessional world-fiddlers, pragmatic realist, and academic Globetrotter from different universities, backgrounds, regions, branches, directions, currents and origins. A team of free-minded, progressive thinkers, democrats, and humanists from cross world, united by a common love for the whole humanity and by the long-term vision to make our world a better place for all humanity (developing, developed and under-developed countries).

One thing is certain: we strive to act with integrity, responsibility, objectivity, fairness, transparency and respect at all times.

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